Legacy Linebackers
2024-2025 Board of Directors
President - Karin Files
1st Vice President - Kelly Cummings
2nd Vice President - Beth LaBlanc
Treasurer - Melanie Fenick
Secretary - Kathie Hawk
Past Board Member - Lynn Brooks
About the Legacy Linebackers Booster Club
Legacy Linebackers is an independent, non-profit organization created to support the Legacy Line Drill Team. Any parent of a Legacy Line team member is eligible to be a member of the Legacy Linebackers Booster Club. The Booster Club meets four times each year — two times in the fall and two times in the spring.
The primary objectives of the Linebackers are to:
Provide a safe and positive environment for the education and artistic growth of the Legacy Line team members;
Promote a closer and collaborative relationship between parents, Legacy Line team members, and WHS faculty and staff, in an atmosphere of mutual cooperation, support, trust, and respect;
Encourage a high level of achievement for the Legacy Line team members;
Provide additional access to resources (including adult participation and financial resources) that are necessary to support the Legacy Line team members;
Promote high standards among the Legacy Line team members in the following areas- education, fine arts, dance/artistic achievement, and personal ethics/morals;
Support the Legacy Line in a manner that is consistent with the principles, rules, regulations, and guidelines established by the University Interscholastic League (UIL), FISD, WHS, and WHS’s Faculty and Staff.
Legacy Linebackers Elected Board Position Duties
Oversees the activities of the booster club
Schedules and conducts a minimum of 4 booster club meetings during the fiscal year. “The President is responsible for arranging for a meeting place, date, and time via the Director.” (Article 7.1 of the Booster Association Bylaws)
Schedules and conducts a minimum of 4 Board of Directors (Officers) meetings during the fiscal year
“The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee to present a slate of officers at the last general meeting prior to the end of the year.” (Article 5.5)
“The President shall be an ex-official member of all committees (Photography, Sign-Up Genius, Friday Night Dinners, Facebook/Website, Spirit wear) except the Nominating Committee." (Article 8.2)
1st Vice President:
Assists the President
Social Committee Coordinator overseeing the Social Committee and activities
Goody bags for summer camp and competition
Team Luau
Locker Decorations
Friday Football Meals
Purchase Spring Show flowers for the team presentation
Spring Show Meals
Organizes Team Spirit-Night Fund Raisers
2nd Vice President:
Fundraising Coordinator overseeing the Fundraising Committee, and the Spring Show Program Committee and their activities
Secure and oversee Community Sponsorships
Organize Spring Junior Clinic
Coordinate Spring Show ad sales, ticket sales, and concessions
Oversee and coordinate any other fundraising activities the Board decides upon
Prepare meeting minutes of all Board and Booster meetings
Retain copies of completed minutes and email meeting minutes to the Association on a timely basis
Create a team directory to distribute to each family in August as team practices begin
Write thank you letters to donors, sponsors, and others as necessary
Send invitations for Luau, Banquet, and/or any other events for which invitations are needed
“Propose and maintain a budget that accounts for all anticipated revenue and expenditures throughout the Association’s fiscal year. The annual budget shall be presented to the Association for approval at the first General Meeting of the school year.” (Article 7.10)
Maintain concise records of all revenue and expenditures throughout the fiscal year
Review and retain all bank transactions and records including monthly statements and deposits
Renew annual insurance policy
Set up an external audit of the previous year's books before the first General Meeting of the school year
File all appropriate tax and booster club paperwork as outlined in bylaws before the first General Meeting of the school year
Immediate Past Board Member:
Coordinate with Frisco Education Foundation in awarding Senior Scholarships
Organize and execute the End of the Year Team Banquet
Organize Fall Junior Clinic
Assist the Board and committees as necessary utilizing previous years’ experience
* “Board of Directors – Positions and Responsibilities” - Adopted 5/5/2010; Revised 5/24/2011; Revised 11/4/14; Revised 3/17/2016; Revised 1/7/2020